I remember seeing the discourse around resellers "taking clothes from those who need them" when imo it was people who were mad they didn't find them first. Also, resellers remaking thrifted clothes into something different was met with "you have ruined this item" Ma'am, it was donated because someone didn't want it, nothing has been 'ruined'.

I don't look as often at Goodwill as I do consignment stores, which presumably have done some of the sorting for you. But it is a never ending process, and you need to be a person who enjoys the hunt.

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Any comment or stance can be argued against. So, that being said, I personally thrift for my fashion. I am a size 12 middle-aged woman. That does allow me quite a bit of clothing to choose from. I also garage sale and estate sale. But I don’t spend a lot of time doing it, I create a capsule wardrobe wishlist for the upcoming season via Pinterest and then when I am available to look for the items, I refer to my photos and usually find almost everything and purge out last year‘s but I won’t wear back to the thrift shop. It does work for me and I have not bought anything retail for over two years

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Your comment about finding usable fabric at thrift stores by buying large sized items reminded me of several social media exchanges where a poster claims injury because the practice of buying larger sized clothing for this purpose leaves fewer items for "plus-sized" people to actually wear. It's a claim I reject but very commonly expressed.

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