As some of you are aware already, I wrote a book last year and have spent most of this year putting it on the back burner while I worked on my Substack (and of course, spent some really solid time going on my phone.) I’m extremely happy to see how many people have chosen to subscribe—I was not expecting more than 10,000 followers with over 300 paid, and I’m really excited to continue!
But I’m also excited to release my book, Will There Be Free Food?
Will There Be Free Food? is a series of comedic memoirs (think the type of personal essay you saw in A Really Hot Guy You’ll Never See Again.) The difference is that this book will focus on my twenties. Specifically, being a socially inept, OCD-afflicted young woman in the 2010s San Francisco startup world, attempting to make friends, keep jobs, and avoid getting ebola from my WeWork office bathroom. Catch stories about things like: the time I actually had to reject an over-eager friend (after usually being the rejected one), my first time getting fired (after an incident with almonds), or the time I attempted to secure a too-good-to-be-true San Francisco sublet by manifesting a fake British identity.
Will There Be Free Food? will be available as a paid Substack subscription series. You can access all chapters here. Chapter 1 is available as a free preview for everyone! Some great reasons to subscribe:
Free subscription:
Occasional public posts (1-2 per week)
Interviews with interesting people, like this one with the author of
Many Such Takes every week
My Trump impressions podcast (what can I say, I contain multitudes)
Paid subscription:
ALL content from my upcoming comedic memoir book, Will There Be Free Food? released as standalone articles starting in September.
Many Such Takes Special Edition deep dives, like this one I did about how Kamala Harris is winning the meme war Hillary Clinton lost
My full social skills guide (Part 2 and 3 are paid), for and by someone who figured out how to act normal in her twenties
Longer form articles into the wild world of neurotic, terminally online upper middle class parents, like this one I did about the ever-present fear of traumatizing your kids
Revealing (and often embarrassing) personal essays. This one is free, but future ones will likely be paid.
Fashion content, like this one about the out-there and maximalist aesthetic of 2021 fashion
Full archive of all CHH posts (posts are archived after 4 weeks.)
As for why I decided to go the self-publishing/Substack route instead of traditional publishing: one thing that the success of this Substack has taught me is that my voice actually resonates best when I am completely unfiltered and deranged, allowing everyone to witness what makes me a bit weird. It’s ironic that the things that have made it difficult to make friends for most of my life have been the things that readers seem most interested in. I’ve published professionally before, and one thing that I didn’t like about the experience was that I had to repeatedly tone things down and write a book for people who read books, who are often not the same people who find my type of comedy entertaining. So this is a book for my Substack subscribers, consumed the way you guys like to consume content.
Stay tuned, and I’m really excited to share this with you all!!
Very excited for it! Especially since I quit twitter for my mental health
Will your book ever be available as a single payment purchase? Or better yet will you be organizing a book tour?